The Cornell logo and seal are a vital part of our brand and should always be reproduced at a size that is legible. The guidelines below will help you determine which logo or seal should be used — and you can find all these elements on our downloads page.

Bold Logo
Greater than 3/4" tall
Bold Seal
Greater than 3/4" tall
Simple Logo
Between 73 pixels and 120 pixels
Simple Seal
Between 73 pixels and 120 pixels
Reduced Logo
Must be 45 pixels tall
Reduced Wordmark
Used below 3/4"
- The Cornell logo has sufficient contrast and is legible against its background.
The logo may be printed on any background that provides sufficient contrast for the logo to appear clearly and legibly.
- When using the simple seal, the dimension must not exceed 120 pixels.
- No watermarking, screening, or cropping of seal in any designs.
The logo has sufficient space around it to stand apart from other visual elements.
Text, headlines, photographs, or illustrations should never be closer to the logo than 1/4 the diameter of the seal.
- Do not attempt to create art for the Cornell logo, seal or wordmark for any application.
- Cornell logo appears only once on a homepage or communications piece.